Simplified of badminton game rules

Below is an overview on the rules of the game of badminton .

Scoring System
  • A match contains of the best of 3 games of 21 points .
  • Every time there is a serve – there is a point scored .
  • The side winning a rally adds a point to its score .
  • When two sides are at 20 , the side which gains a 2 points lead first , wins that game .
  • At 29 all , the side scoring the 30th point, wins that game .
  • The side winning a game serves first in the next game.
Interval and Change of Ends
  • When the leading score reaches 11 points , players have a 60 second resting time .
  • There is 2 minutes interval between each game .
  • In the third game , players exchange side when the leading score reaches 11 points.
  • At the beginning of the game (0-0) and when the server’s score is even the server serves from the right service court . When the server’s score is odd, the server serves from the left service court .
  • If the server wins after a serving , the server scores a point and then serves again from the alternate service court .
  • If the receiver wins a rally , the receiver scores a point and becomes the new server . They serve from the appropriate service court – right if it is even , and if their score is odd .
  • A side has only one ‘service’.
  • The service passes consecutively to the players as shown in the diagram.
  • At the beginning of the game and when the score is even, the server serves from the right service court. When it is odd, the server serves from the left court.
  • If the serving side wins a rally, the serving side scores a point and the same server serves again from the alternate service court.
  • If the receiving side wins a rally, the receiving side scores a point. The receiving side becomes the new serving side.
  • The players do not change their respective service courts until they win a point when their side is serving.

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